FAAM’s health and safety policy follows that of its host institution – The University of Leeds.
The University’s policy lays down the intent, organisation and arrangements that are in place to ensure health and safety within the organisation and for other parties who might be affected by its activities.
The University’s policy applies to all activities undertaken by FAAM, further details can be found in their Health and Safety Policy. FAAM also have local policies specific to working at FAAM, both on the ground and in the air. You can access more information about our policies through the links below.
Local Procedures
These policies and Risk Assessments apply to the most common activities undertaken by visitors to the FAAM facility.
Science Flying
Working in FAAM’s Hangar
Aircraft Ground Working
Laboratory Working
Office Working
Fieldwork H&S
University of Leeds fieldwork processes
Visitor Induction
FAAM maintains a short facility induction describing safe working practices. This is updated regularly via the FAAM safety guide.
We encourage visitors to view our induction presentation, and read through our safety guide.
Incident Reporting
To report any incident, accident or near-miss, please complete this form.
Relevant staff involved in the safe management of FAAM’s operation can be contacted using faam-hands@ncas.ac.uk.
Up Next…
Using FAAM. What you need to know… Read More