The FAAM aircraft, mission control and science planning team is based at Cranfield airfield and University in Bedfordshire.
If you would like to visit the FAAM headquarters, you will need to make prior arrangements with a member of the operational team. Our facility is regulated by the CAA, so we have procedures and guidelines in place to make sure your visit is safe and productive.
Use the menu on the left to navigate through everything you’ll need to know when visiting FAAM. Alternatively, you can get in touch or use our access request form.

FAAM Airborne Laboratory to operate an airborne sub-10 nanometre aerosol sampler
Upgraded aerosol inlets will revolutionise the way the FAAM aircraft samples aerosol particles from outside the aircraft as it flies and delivers them to the instruments inside. The project is led by Dr Paul I. Williams, National Centre for Atmospheric Science and...