Our application process takes around eighteen months before deployment
As a rough guide, it takes around eighteen months between initial contact and aircraft deployment – but your timeline will depend on the type of use, and complexity of work involved.
For example, Research Runway applicants may be able to deploy the aircraft in under six months, whereas a large commercial programme may take much longer.
After your application is processed, we hold a collaborative campaign kick-off meeting to find out exactly how we can support you. Then, we coordinate flying and logistics requirements with all our collaborators.
A typical timeline may look like:
1. Campaign start-up meeting
User provides FAAM with a detailed understanding of their requirements.
When? Immediately following award decision.
Who’s involved? Users, FAAM Operations staff, FAAM Science Link (a member of FAAM science staff assigned to support your campaign), Airtask, Avalon.
2. Detailed planning phase
We make logistical, operational, technical and scientific preparations. We arrange monthly meetings to monitor progress.
When? 0 – 12 months.
Who’s involved? Users, FAAM Operations staff, FAAM Science Link, FAAM Technical staff, Airtask, Avalon.
3. Deadline for requests for major changes to requirements
Major details such as location and dates are finalised.
When? 6 months prior to deployment.
Who’s involved? Users, FAAM Operations staff, Airtask, Avalon
4. Deadline for sending FAAM estimate of pack-up and shipping requirements
We need to know how much equipment needs to be shipped where.
When? 6 months prior to deployment.
Who’s involved? Users and their collaborators, FAAM staff, Avalon
5. Reconnaissance visit to operating base
When? 3 to 6 months prior to deployment
Who’s involved? FAAM Operations staff, Airtask, Avalon engineer
6. Deadline for requests for minor changes to requirements
We finalise minor changes to the plan, such as instrument fit, number of staff members, finer detail about pack-up and shipping requirements, and facilities required at campaign base.
When? 3 months prior to deployment
Who’s involved? Users, FAAM Operations staff, Airtask, Avalon
7. Pre-campaign briefing
Users deliver a presentation to the rest of the team about their science aims, and we provide a logistics and health and safety briefing.
When? Within 1 month prior to deployment
Who’s involved? All campaign participants: users and their collaborators, wider FAAM team, Airtask, Avalon
Please get in touch to discuss your requirements.

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